Beyond their use here as solution examples, most of the below track plans happen to also be good potential candidates as your own layout:
Although they feature HO track plans of every caliber, the new millennium railroad modeling press snubs O-scale 3rail track plans, even if they are identical to HO plans in all respects [EXAMPLE] except for the track choice. This is ironic, since modern O-scale 3rail trains and structures are no longer cheap toys, and in many cases exhibit higher detail than HO, and certainly more than (the inherently lower-detail) N equivalents. Regardless, published 2-rail O-scale, certainly S-scale, HO-scale, and to a limited extent N-scale Track Plans are excellent resources to examine for solutions to your own 3rail track planning dilemmas.
+ = Example shown in HO or N scale
Exhibits of common Track Schematic Styles
- + Point-to-Point Shelf Layout (*.pdf)
- + Folded Island Layout (*.pdf)
- + Open Folded Shelf Layout (*.pdf) - {Folded, but on a V-shaped bench}
- + Point-to-Junction Layout (*.pdf)
- + Split-level Loop-to-Loop (*.pdf) - {a "Dogbone" is a double track variant}
- Out-and-Back Layout (*.pdf)
- + Twice Around (*.pdf)
- + Spiraled Duck-Under (*.pdf)
- + Swivel-Chair track plans (*.pdf) - {lower height bagel-shaped, operated while seated}
Creative use of Topography
- "Creative Toy Train Track Plans" (*.pdf book) = page 9 demonstrates a shoofly around a bridge under reconstruction
- "Small and Midsize Track Plans for O-Gauge Trains" (*.pdf book) = page 54 demonstrates justifiable short tunnels (and sublevel staging)
- + Rolling Landscape (*.pdf) - {scene separation using grade}
- + Spurs entering buildings (*.pdf)
- + Elevating the right-of-way (*.pdf)
- Trolley Elevating Ramp (*.pdf)
- [Transition to street] (*.pdf)
- + Switchback (*.pdf)
- + Generous Aisleways (*.pdf) - {scene separation using distance}
- + Infinite Canadian Prairie Landscape (*.pdf) - {scene separation using a skyboard}
- + Interchange Crossing Scene (*.pdf)
- + Depot Crossing Scene (*.pdf)
- + Totally Surrounded Station (*.pdf)
- Trolley Stations (*.pdf)
- + Staging exiting building (*.pdf)
- + Come-and-Go Layout Design (*.pdf)
- + From hidden staging to visible yard (*.pdf)
Trackwork Sleight of Hand
- + Subterranean Layovers (*.pdf)
- + Triple Staging (*.pdf)
- + Switchback Staging (*.pdf)
- + Vertical Switch (*.pdf)
- + Car Cassettes (*.pdf)
- + Car Float (*.pdf)
- + Sector Table (*.pdf)
- [The J Turn] (*.pdf) - {utilizes snap switches mid-turn}
Unconventional Benchwork Solutions
- +"Shelf Layouts for Model Railroads" (*.pdf book) = page 65 demonstrates a downtown approach built upon a low height shelf
- + Movable Layout (*.pdf) - {dimensions allow benchwork to pass through house doors and hallways}
- + Aluminum Benchwork (*.pdf)
- + Angled Benchwork (*.pdf)
- + Bashing a 4x8 (*.pdf)
- + Enclosed Access Aisle (*.pdf)
- [Tilted Benchwork] (*.pdf)
- + Mirror lengthens the yard (*.pdf) = [Caution: using mirrors without breaking the illusion is a tricky proposition]
- + Over Bed (*.pdf)
- Switching Layout built on a Helix (*.pdf)
- + Under Bed (*.pdf) = [Caution: any structures must be durable, and either short or removable]
- + Double Deck (*.pdf)